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Frequently Asked Questions

Which ecommerce platform should I use?

SURECART: I personally use and love Surecart.  It’s a newer platform, looks great right out of the box and it’s easy to set up!  Plus it includes pricing options for a regular price, monthly subscriptions and installment plans. This is a better option if you have a smaller amount of products that don’t have many variations, though Surecart is adding more features all the time.  There are also paid plans that offer even more features but the free version has everything I need.

WOOCOMMERCE: If you are planning on have an extremely large shop, WooCommerce might be a better option for you.  It is free but you may need to purchase plugins for the functionality you need and it’s not as easy to customize the design of the account, cart and checkout pages.

If you need more help, send me a message!

Which platform should I use for my website?

WORDPRESS: I love and use WordPress because you can do anything you want with a wordpress website.  There are tons of plugins available for any feature/integration you may need.  It has blogging built into it and you can use Surecart (free and paid versions but the free version should work for most ecommerce websites) or Woocommerce (free but has paid add-ons) to create a shop.

How do I know how much my website will cost?

Let’s compare websites to cars.  All cars are meant to do the same thing, however some have more features and a more luxury look & feel.  Websites vary greatly and not everyone needs the same features for their website.  I could never price a one page website the same as a 5 page website with an added blog, ecommerce shop and multiple integrations.

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